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Tie Breaker Method


The rule states that ties shall be determined based on the best score for the last nine holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last nine holes, they check the last six holes, then the last three holes, and finally the 18th hole.


This method uses one-half, one-third, one-sixth, or one-18th of the Course Handicaps should be deducted. Again, fractions of one-half stroke or more should count as a full stroke; any lesser fractions should be disregarded. If the conditions of the competition provide that ties shall be decided over the last nine, last six, last three, or last hole, then the Committee will determine if all these procedures fail to produce a winner.


Let's demonstrate. Suppose Ben, with course handicap of 12, has 45 on the last nine. He deducts 50% of his Course Handicap, or six strokes, and has a net score of 39. Sonny, with a course handicap of 20, has 49 and deducts 50% of his Course Handicap, or 10 strokes, for a 39. They are still tied, so they must look at the last six holes. Ben shot a 31 and deducts four strokes (11 - 3 = 3.7, which rounds to 4) for a 27. Sonny’s 35 is reduced by seven strokes (20 . 3 = 6.7, which rounds to 7) for a 28. Ben is the winner.

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